Title: Problem Adaptation Therapy for Pain for Older Adults with Major Depression and Cognitive Impairment
Investigator: Dimitris N. Kiosses, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology in Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College
Overview: This study will adapt a behavioral intervention, Problem Adaptation Therapy (PATH), found effective in a previous study of older adults with comorbid depression and cognitive impairment, and then pilot test the adapted protocol- Problem Adaptation Therapy for Pain (PATH-Pain) in older adults with pain, depression and cognitive impairment. PATH is a home-delivered intervention that aims to improve emotion regulation by: a) utilizing a problem-solving approach, which focuses on the individual, caregiver, and home-environment, b) employing compensatory strategies and environmental adaptation tools (e.g. calendar, notes, signs) to reduce functional and physical limitations, and c) inviting caregiver participation when necessary.