Assessment of Pain Modulation in Older Adults

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Presenter: Joseph Riley III, PhD, Professor, University of Florida College of Dentistry

Community-based and clinical findings indicate that older adults are at greater risk for more frequent and prolonged pain and suffer from pain at multiple sites compared to younger cohorts.  Dr. Riley will present data from his sensory testing laboratory that demonstrate older adults exhibit diminished descending pain inhibitory capacity and increased pain facilitation.  An imbalance of these systems among older adults likely contribute to the increased risk for the development of persistent pain compared to younger adults.

To register for this seminar, click here.

The 2019 webinar series, Mechanisms and Management of Later-Life Pain, is co-sponsored by TRIPLL and
University of Florida’s Pain Research and Intervention Center of Excellence.

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801