
/Patricia Kim

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So far Patricia Kim has created 99 blog entries.

Opioids in Older Adults


Opioids in Older Adults: Indications, Prescribing, Complications, and Alternative Therapies for Primary Care. The fact that opioids are valuable tools for the management of pain has been known and used for thousands of years. Currently, millions of Americans are treated annually with opioids, and many of these patients are elderly. Opioids present risks to geriatric patients, some of which are unique to the population, and providers should have a good grasp of those risks. An understanding of how to select appropriate medications for the management of pain and of the myriad of alternatives available for pain management is vital to the care of older patients. This article [...]

Opioids in Older Adults2020-05-06T10:48:34-04:00

Evidence-Based Role of Nutrients and Antioxidants for Chronic Pain Management


Evidence-Based Role of Nutrients and Antioxidants for Chronic Pain Management in Musculoskeletal Frailty and Sarcopenia in Aging. Musculoskeletal disorders in aging and pain are closely connected because of multiple mechanisms leading to loss of mobility and autonomy. Pain is predictive of diability and worsening frailty and the strength of this relationship increases with the severity of pain. This study presents a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, cross sectional studies, and observational studies based on treatment of pain in adults with musculoskeletal disorders using nutritional non-pharmacological (nutrients and antioxidants) interventions. The review found the efficiency of the following topics: (a) accession of the patient to a dietary counselling (e.g., [...]

Evidence-Based Role of Nutrients and Antioxidants for Chronic Pain Management2020-05-06T10:45:50-04:00

Opioids in Older Adults: Indications, Prescribing, Complications, and Alternative Therapies for Primary Care


Opioids in Older Adults: Indications, Prescribing, Complications, and Alternative Therapies for Primary Care. Gazelka HM, Leal JC, Lapid MI, Rummans TA. The fact that opioids are valuable tools for the management of pain has been known and used for thousands of years. Currently, millions of Americans are treated annually with opioids, and many of these patients are elderly. Opioids present risks to geriatric patients, some of which are unique to the population, and providers should have a good grasp of those risks. An understanding of how to select appropriate medications for the management of pain and of the myriad of alternatives available for pain management is vital [...]

Opioids in Older Adults: Indications, Prescribing, Complications, and Alternative Therapies for Primary Care2020-04-21T13:58:05-04:00

Caring for patients with pain during the COVID-19 pandemic


Caring for patients with pain during the COVID-19 pandemic: Consensus recommendations from an international expert panel. Chronic pain causes significant suffering, limitation of daily activities and reduced quality of life. Infection from COVID-19 is responsible for an ongoing pandemic that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, leading to systemic complications and death. Led by the World Health Organization, healthcare systems across the world are engaged in limiting the spread of infection. As a result all elective surgeries, procedures, and patient visits, including pain management services, have been postponed or cancelled. This has impacted the care of chronic pain patients. Most are elderly with multiple comorbidities, which puts them at risk of COVID-19 [...]

Caring for patients with pain during the COVID-19 pandemic2020-04-21T13:36:09-04:00

Managing patients with chronic pain during the Covid-19 outbreak


Managing patients with chronic pain during the Covid-19 outbreak: Considerations for the rapid introduction of remotely supported (e-health) pain management services Across the world pain treatment centres have closed their doors. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare providers are abruptly changing their care delivery to protect patients and staff from infection, and to reallocate resource towards the greatest acute needs. Elective, routine, and non-emergency casework has stopped in secondary and tertiary centres, while in primary care, patients are requested to stay away or ‘socially distance’, and in residential care facilities and hospices, strict isolation and separation protocols have been introduced. Click here for more [...]

Managing patients with chronic pain during the Covid-19 outbreak2020-04-08T11:19:23-04:00

Perception of Older Adults Toward Smartwatch Technology for Assessing Pain


Perception of Older Adults Toward Smartwatch Technology for Assessing Pain and Related Patient-Reported Outcomes: Pilot Study. Chronic pain, including arthritis, affects about 100 million adults in the United States. Complexity and diversity of the pain experience across time and people and its fluctuations across and within days show the need for valid pain reports that do not rely on patient's long-term recall capability. Smartwatches can be used as digital ecological momentary assessment (EMA) tools for real-time collection of pain scores. Smartwatches are generally less expensive than smartphones, are highly portable, and have a simpler user interface, providing an excellent medium [...]

Perception of Older Adults Toward Smartwatch Technology for Assessing Pain2020-04-21T13:50:43-04:00

Pain Management Market Size to Reach Valuation of USD 5.81 Billion to Attain a CAGR of 7.2% By 2023


Prevalence of Patient Diseases Expected to boost the Global Pain Management Market Pain management is a major branch of medical science which includes the role of minimizing or managing the pain of the patients. The global pain management devices market valuation is expected to jump from USD 3.58 billion in 2016 to USD 5.81 billion by 2023 with a calculated CAGR of 7.2% over the forecast period (2017-2023). Pain management devices market is driven by a number of factors. This includes, the high percentage of patients suffering from different forms of diseases, growing government efforts in increasing the pain rehabilitation centers, [...]

Pain Management Market Size to Reach Valuation of USD 5.81 Billion to Attain a CAGR of 7.2% By 20232019-04-15T15:37:15-04:00

More aging Americans using pot to soothe what ails them


The group of white-haired folks — some pushing walkers, others using canes — arrive right on time at the gates of Laguna Woods Village, an upscale retirement community in the picturesque hills that frame this Southern California suburb a few miles from Disneyland. There they board a bus for a quick trip to a building that, save for the green Red Cross-style sign in the window, resembles a trendy coffee bar. The people, mostly in their 70s and 80s, pass the next several hours enjoying a light lunch, playing a few games of bingo and selecting their next month’s supply [...]

More aging Americans using pot to soothe what ails them2019-04-15T15:29:20-04:00

Daily Physical Activity and Functional Disability Incidence in Community-Dwelling Older Adults….


Daily Physical Activity and Functional Disability Incidence in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Chronic Pain: A Prospective Cohort Study. Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study examined the association between daily physical activity and functional disability incidence in community-dwelling older adults with chronic pain. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Japanese community. SUBJECTS: Of the 5,257 participants enrolled for baseline assessment, data on the 693 participants who had chronic lower back or knee pain and underwent daily physical activity assessment using an accelerometer were analyzed. METHODS: Participants were assessed for regular physical activity (step counts, moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activityduration, and light-intensity physical activity duration) [...]

Daily Physical Activity and Functional Disability Incidence in Community-Dwelling Older Adults….2019-01-14T12:04:32-05:00

Effectiveness of interventions for non-specific low back pain in older adults.


Effectiveness of interventions for non-specific low back pain in older adults. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Abstract OBJECTIVES: Systematically review the literature about all available interventions to manage non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) in older adults (≥60 years). DESIGN: We searched the Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, LILACS, PEDro, and Cochrane CENTRAL databases reference lists for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) testing interventions for NSLBP. Two independent reviewers extracted data, assessed the risk of bias and completeness of the description of interventions. RESULTS: Eighteen (RCTs) fulfilled the eligibility criteria. Evidence about interventions to manage NSLBP in older adults is weak. Very low to [...]

Effectiveness of interventions for non-specific low back pain in older adults.2019-01-14T12:03:10-05:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801