

Positive Affect Associated with Fewer Sleep Problems in Older Caregivers but Not Noncaregivers


The authors of a recent study published in The Gerontologist , “examined whether the associations of Positive Affect (PA) and depressive symptoms with sleep problems differed between caregivers and noncaregivers.” Interviews were conducted with 92 caregivers and 137 noncaregivers ages 60 and older. Sleep problems were assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and depressive symptoms were assessed based on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression scale. The authors found that “caregivers with high PA had significantly fewer sleep problems, whereas those with depressive symptoms reported slightly more problems.” Additionally, “high PA and depressive symptoms were not associated with sleep problems [...]

Positive Affect Associated with Fewer Sleep Problems in Older Caregivers but Not Noncaregivers2018-09-30T23:58:00-04:00

Predictors of Injurious Falls and Fear of Falling Differ


A recent study published in the Journal of Aging and Health sought to “identify the intrinsic, psychosocial and lifestyle factors which predict the incidence of having an injurious fall or acquiring a fear of falling (FOF).” The authors conducted an 11 year longitudinal study consisting of 1000 community-dwelling older adults ages 65 and older. The authors found that the “predictors of injurious falls were increasing age, slower gait speed, and being depressed,” and that the “main predictors of developing a FOF were increasing age, cognitive impairment, reduced social activity and gender,” with women being at a greater risk. The study concludes [...]

Predictors of Injurious Falls and Fear of Falling Differ2018-09-30T23:58:07-04:00

Lack of Sleep and Pain Symptoms among Opioid Dependent Individuals


The authors of a recent study published in Addictive Behaviors reviewed the “present gaps in the literature on subjective and objective sleep disturbances among opioid dependent individuals” with pain.  The authors recruited 68 participants with pain who were assessed using the ”Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI).” The authors conclude that “the findings highlight the importance of assessing and treating sleep disturbances, as well as pain, among patients with opioid dependence.” Full Story

Lack of Sleep and Pain Symptoms among Opioid Dependent Individuals2018-09-30T23:58:15-04:00

Improving Pain Management among Nurses


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology examined “the knowledge and attitudes of 41 undergraduate nursing students regarding pain management.” Each nurse was asked to complete “a demographic data form, the Nurses' Attitude Survey, and the Pain Management Principles Assessment Tool.” The authors conclude that the “findings suggest the need to develop specific strategies to effectively teach undergraduate nursing students about pain management.” Full Story

Improving Pain Management among Nurses2018-09-30T23:58:23-04:00

Improving Pain Management Competency among Fellows


A recent study published in American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation proposed “an educational module to instruct pain medicine fellows in the appropriate performance of interventional pain management techniques.” Participating fellow were “evaluated via patient surveys and 360-degree global rating scales, maintained procedure logs, and completed two patient-care reports; which were reviewed by program directors to ensure adequate completion.” Full Story

Improving Pain Management Competency among Fellows2018-09-30T23:58:30-04:00

Depression among Nursing Home Residents


The authors of a recent study published in International Psychogeriatrics examined the relationship between chronic pain and depressive symptoms among older adults. The authors found that "overall, it may be that what is really important to emotional well-being is not so much pain itself, but rather the way in which the pain alters older people's lives." Full Story

Depression among Nursing Home Residents2018-09-30T23:58:38-04:00

Factors that Influence Knee Pain among Older Osteoarthritis Patients


The authors of a study published in Arthritis reviewed the extent to which "weight status impacts salient physical, health, and pain measures in older, knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients." The authors assessed differences in mobility performance, and pain symptoms as a function of weight status." The study results indicate that "normal weight subjects outperformed obese participants on most measures.” Full Story

Factors that Influence Knee Pain among Older Osteoarthritis Patients2018-09-30T23:58:44-04:00

Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain


The authors of a recent study published in Current Opinion in Psychiatry “explored potential role of psychological treatments for older people who are affected by chronic pain.” The results indicate that  “particular challenges arise for the delivery of psychological interventions to people with pain and cognitive impairment associated with dementia.” The authors conclude that “there is sufficient evidence that psychological interventions are efficacious for older people with chronic pain.” Full Story

Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain2018-09-30T23:58:52-04:00

Differences in Assessing Pain Prevalence among Nursing Home Residents


The authors of a recent study published in Pain Management Nursing explored “nurses' and care workers' estimations of residents' pain (both general and chronic) and the number of residents with unknown pain status.” The included 750 nursing facilities in which one nurse and one case worker from each facility was asked to complete a questionnaire. The authors found that “nurses and care workers had relatively low estimations of the prevalence of pain among their residents.” Full Story

Differences in Assessing Pain Prevalence among Nursing Home Residents2018-10-01T00:07:15-04:00

Knee Joint Pain among Individuals with Osteoarthritis


The authors of a recent study published in The Journal of Rheumatology determined the “diagnostic test performance of location of pain and activity-related pain in identifying knees with patellofemoral joint (PFJ) structural damage” among older adults. The authors enrolled 407 participants and assessed Cartilage damage and bone marrow lesions using magnetic resonance imaging. Full Story

Knee Joint Pain among Individuals with Osteoarthritis2018-10-01T00:07:22-04:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801