

Restricting Back Pain Among older Adults


The authors of a recent study published in Pain Medicine aimed to “understand illness representations of back pain, severe enough to restrict activity (restricting back pain)” among older adults. The authors performed semi-structured interviews with 23 community dwelling older adults “to stimulate discussion about how older adults understand and perceive living with restricting back pain.” The study results indicate “that restricting back pain in older adults has variable and noteworthy physical, psychological and social consequences.” Full Story

Restricting Back Pain Among older Adults2018-10-01T00:07:29-04:00

Pain Assessment for Hospitalized Older Adults with Dementia


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of Gerontological Nursing examined the “presence of uncontrolled and untreated pain in patients with cognitive impairments such as delirium and dementia” among older adults in the hospital setting. The authors reviewed the effectiveness of the Pain Assessment In Advanced Dementia (PAINAD) scale as an evaluation tool for older adults with pain. The authors conclude that the “proper use of the PAINAD scale as part of a comprehensive pain management plan can help reduce the likelihood of a patient experiencing unrecognized and untreated pain.” Full Story

Pain Assessment for Hospitalized Older Adults with Dementia2018-10-01T00:07:36-04:00

Dyspnea and Pain Frequently Co-Occur among Medicare Managed Care Recipients


The authors of a recent study published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society evaluated “the strong associations between dyspnea and pain.” The authors analyzed data from “266,000 Medicare Managed Care recipients surveyed in 2010 and 2012, who were assessed for pain interference, chest pain, back pain, arthritis pain, and shortness of breath.” The authors conclude that “pain and dyspnea commonly occurred together,” and that “most older adults with dyspnea reported pain.” Full Story

Dyspnea and Pain Frequently Co-Occur among Medicare Managed Care Recipients2018-10-01T00:07:43-04:00

Use of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in the Older Adult


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners examined “the benefits and risk of NSAID use in older adults.” The authors conducted a electronic data collection of research studies, evidence-based reviews, consensus statements, and guidelines to search for studies related to the purpose of this article. Studies were analyzed if published between 2000 and 2013 in English and were searched using from Ovid, MEDLINE, and PubMed databases. The authors conclude that “the challenge for clinicians prescribing NSAIDs in the treatment of pain in older adults is to utilize safe, individualized, and evidenced-based [...]

Use of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in the Older Adult2018-10-01T00:07:50-04:00

Pain Management Program for Frail Older Adults


The authors of a recent study published in Trials explored “the effectiveness of an integrated pain management program in improving pain intensity, functional mobility, physical activity, loneliness levels, happiness levels, and the use of non-pharmacological pain-relieving methods among frail older adults with chronic pain.” Participants were recruited to join an 8-week group based pain management program, which consisted of 2 one-hour sessions each week. The results indicate that the program can be effective in reducing pain conditions among older adults. Full Story

Pain Management Program for Frail Older Adults2018-10-01T00:07:56-04:00

Arthritis Health Belief Instrument for Ethnically Diverse Older Adults


A recent study published in the Journal of Community Health assessed whether the “modified 14-item Arthritis Health Belief Model (AHBI) instrument can be used among ethnically diverse older adults with arthritis.” The results indicate that the AHBI can be useful in “ assessing how individual perceptions influence access to nonpharmacological pain therapy among ethnically diverse community-dwelling older adults; and measuring the likelihood of using nonpharmacological pain therapy by older adults.” Full Story

Arthritis Health Belief Instrument for Ethnically Diverse Older Adults2018-10-01T00:08:03-04:00

Sit and Fit for Older Adults


A recent study published in Holistic Nursing Practice evaluated “the effects of an exercise program titled Sit 'N' Fit Chair Yoga on pain and physical and psychological functioning among” community dwelling older adults. Participants were assigned to either an exercise group that included Sit ‘N’ Chair Yoga or an intervention group that did not include yoga. The authors found a “greater improvement in depression and life satisfaction in the yoga group than in the control group.” Full Story

Sit and Fit for Older Adults2018-10-01T00:08:10-04:00

Disability and Knee Osteoarthritis


The authors of a recent study published in British Medical Journal examined “whether consistent physical activity is related to incident disability and disability progression among older adults.” The authors enrolled 1680 community dwelling older adults with knee osteoarthritis or risk factors for knee osteoarthritis. The results indicate that “an increase in daily physical activity time may reduce the risk of disability, even if the intensity of that additional activity is not increased.” Full Story

Disability and Knee Osteoarthritis2018-10-01T00:08:18-04:00

Knee Pain as a Result of Decreased Cartilage


The authors of a recent study published in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases studied “the longitudinal associations between baseline knee pain, knee cartilage volume and cartilage defects in older adults.” The authors measured the total remaining knee cartilage of 356 community dwelling older adults with knee osteoarthritis over a 3 year period. The authors found that patients with high knee cartilage volume were less likely to report significant pain symptoms. Full Story

Knee Pain as a Result of Decreased Cartilage2018-10-01T00:08:24-04:00

Co-Occurrence of Arthritis and Stroke among Older Adults


The authors of a recent study published in Stroke Research and Treatment evaluated “the cross-sectional association between stroke and arthritis and examined whether the relationship differed in physically active and inactive older adults.” The authors found that “individuals with arthritis were 4 times more likely to report a history of stroke where as those who were engaged in at least moderate physical activity were less than half as likely.” Full Story

Co-Occurrence of Arthritis and Stroke among Older Adults2018-10-01T00:08:31-04:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801