

Exercise Intervention for Improving Pain


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy evaluated the effectiveness of a Tai Chi exercise program in improving health and relieving pain symptoms among ethnically diverse older adults.  The authors developed a 16-week Tai Chi program that was implemented in community centers serving community dwelling older adults residing in specific low income neighborhoods in Canada. The authors conclude that “participating in TC for 16 weeks led to significant improvements in functional fitness and components of physical and mental health among older adults with self-reported arthritis.” Full Story

Exercise Intervention for Improving Pain2018-10-01T00:08:39-04:00

Sleep Difficulty in African American Older Adults with Arthritis


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing examined the "behavioral and clinical indicators of sleep difficulty among older African Americans diagnosed with arthritis." The authors enrolled 193 African American older adults who completed a questionnaire that assessed their health, pain symptoms, and sleep patterns. The authors found a significant relationship between increased pain reports and decreased sleep among older adults with arthritis, and a need for sleep awareness resources to provide "caregivers and health care professionals with the skills to better meet the needs of this population." Full Story

Sleep Difficulty in African American Older Adults with Arthritis2018-10-01T00:08:47-04:00

Pain Assessment for Hospitalized Older Adults with Dementia


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of Gerontological Nursing examined the “presence of uncontrolled and untreated pain in patients with cognitive impairments such as delirium and dementia” among older adults in the hospital setting. The authors reviewed the effectiveness of the Pain Assessment In Advanced Dementia (PAINAD) scale as an evaluation tool for older adults with pain. The authors conclude that the “proper use of the PAINAD scale as part of a comprehensive pain management plan can help reduce the likelihood of a patient experiencing unrecognized and untreated pain.” Full Story

Pain Assessment for Hospitalized Older Adults with Dementia2018-10-01T00:08:54-04:00

Pain Characteristics among Older Adults with Disabilities


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society evaluated “the effects of chronic pain on the development of disability and decline in physical performance over time in older adults.” The authors enrolled 634 community-dwelling older adults age 65 and older with arthritis. The authors found that “older community-dwelling adults living with chronic pain in multiple musculoskeletal locations have a substantially greater risk for developing disability over time and for clinically meaningful decline in mobility performance than those without pain.” Full Story

Pain Characteristics among Older Adults with Disabilities2018-10-01T00:09:18-04:00

Self-Reported Pain and Sleep Difficulty in African American Older Adults


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing examined the “behavioral and clinical indicators of sleep difficulty among older African Americans diagnosed with arthritis.” The authors enrolled 193 African American older adults who completed a questionnaire that assessed their health, pain symptoms, and sleep patterns. The authors found a significant relationship between increased pain reports and decreased sleep among older adults with arthritis. Full Story

Self-Reported Pain and Sleep Difficulty in African American Older Adults2018-10-01T00:09:25-04:00

New Pain Management Video from HSS


The Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) recently featured a series that focused on the use of meditation for pain management among older adults. Click here to view the video presentation.

New Pain Management Video from HSS2018-10-01T00:09:32-04:00

MRI Detection of Chronic Lower Back Pain


The authors of a recent study published in Spine reviewed studies that “demonstrated the unreliability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based parameters to identify pathological pain generators of chronic low back pain.” The authors’ aim was to determine whether “advancements in computer image analysis provide objective measurements of lumbar disc features and pain conditions among older adults.” The authors enrolled 39 older adults age 65 and older who reported mild to severe back pain.  The results indicate that the “study presents a potential new application of MR imaging in identifying pain generators of patients with chronic low back pain.” Full Story

MRI Detection of Chronic Lower Back Pain2018-10-01T00:09:39-04:00

New End –of-Life Care Model for Nursing Homes


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of the American Directors Association aimed to promote quality end-of-life (EOL) care for nursing home residents, through the establishment of advance care plan (ACP) and introduction of a new care pathway” for new comorbidities, including pain. The authors enrolled 76 older nursing home residents and monitored the ratio of clinical to emergency admissions, ACP compliance rate, average length of stay (ALOS) in both acute hospital and an extended-care facility, and chronic pain conditions. The study results indicate that “nearly 40% of EOL patients could be managed entirely in an extended-care setting [...]

New End –of-Life Care Model for Nursing Homes2018-10-01T00:09:48-04:00

Efficacy of Massage for Neck Pain


The authors of a recent study published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine evaluate the evidence of whether massage therapy (MT) is effective for neck pain in older adults. The authors conducted a randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified through searches of 5 literature databases using the following search terms: “neck pain, neck disorders, cervical vertebrae, massage.” The authors conclude that “there were no valid lines of evidence of massage therapy on improving dysfunction,” and that “high quality RCTs are urgently needed to confirm these results and continue to compare massage therapy with other active therapies for neck pain.” Full [...]

Efficacy of Massage for Neck Pain2018-10-01T00:04:59-04:00

Pain and Obesity in the Older Adult


The authors of a recent study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design examined the relationship between pain and obesity in older adults. The authors found “cross-sectional studies that revealed a high correlation between pain and obesity, and a few longitudinal studies that implicate obesity as a risk factor for the development of pain and the associated reduction in quality of life.” However, the authors conclude that “more research is warranted to elucidate the links between obesity and pain and to determine the optimal treatment strategies for reducing these comorbities.” Full Story

Pain and Obesity in the Older Adult2018-10-01T00:05:06-04:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801