

Analgesic use among Older Adults with Chronic Pain


A recent study published in Drugs and Aging explored “patterns of non-opioid, weak opioid and strong opioid use prior to initiation of oxycodone for non-cancer pain in a predominantly older adult population.” The authors evaluated analgesic use 12 months prior to incident oxycodone prescriptions for non-cancer pain among 10,791 older adults. The authors found that “oxycodone was frequently initiated for non-cancer pain without first trialing other analgesics.” Full Story

Analgesic use among Older Adults with Chronic Pain2018-09-27T23:10:53-04:00

Preventing Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults


The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society investigated the effects of a twice-weekly multitarget stepping (MTS) task combined with a multicomponent exercise program on stepping accuracy, gaze behavior, fall risk factors, and fall rates among older adults. The study consisted of 264 community dwelling older adults 65 and older who were randomized into an MTS group (n = 132) and a control group (n = 132). The authors found that Participants who performed MTS tests combined with a multicomponent exercise program showed greater improvements in stepping accuracy, and reported less frequent falls rates. Full Story

Preventing Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults2018-09-27T23:11:00-04:00

Pain among an Older Minority Population in the United States


The authors of a recent study published in Pain Medicine “conducted a cross-sectional study to estimate the association between acculturation and the prevalence, intensity, and functional limitations of pain in older Hispanic adults in the United States.” The study consisted 18,593 English and Spanish-speaking Hispanic and non-Hispanic White individuals who were interviewed for the Health and Retirement Study during 1998-2008. The authors found that “pain prevalence and intensity were not related to acculturation after adjusting for sociodemographic factors.” Full Story

Pain among an Older Minority Population in the United States2018-09-27T23:11:06-04:00

Pain Treatment for Older Adults During Prehospital Emergency Care


A recent study published in the Journal of Pain examined “whether older adults are less likely to receive analgesics during pre-hospital care.” The authors “analyzed all ambulance transports in 2011 in the state of North Carolina and compared the administration of any analgesic or an opioid among older adults (aged 65 and older) versus adults aged 18 to 64.” The authors found that “older adults were generally less likely to receive pain treatment. However, older women with severe pain were more likely to receive treatment than younger women with severe pain.” Full Story

Pain Treatment for Older Adults During Prehospital Emergency Care2018-09-27T23:11:12-04:00

Physical Impairment is Associated with Increased Nursing Home Admissions


A recent study published in Gerontologist examined the characteristics associated with the likelihood of nursing home admission for community-dwelling older adults residing in disadvantaged neighborhoods.  The study consisted of 993 physically impaired older adults age 65 and older from various neighborhoods (poverty level, middle class, upper class). The authors conclude that “physical impairment was associated with nursing home admissions for older adults living in highly disadvantaged neighborhood environments in contrast to older adults living in less disadvantaged neighborhood environments, where no association was observed.” Full Story

Physical Impairment is Associated with Increased Nursing Home Admissions2018-09-27T23:11:18-04:00

The Impact of Arthritis Pain on Spouses


A recent study published in Pain evaluated knee pain among older adults (mean age=65.4) with osteoarthritis and how their pain conditions affect their spouses’ ability to sleep.  The study consisted of “138 patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) and their spouses who completed baseline interviews and a 22-day diary assessment.” The authors found that “patient pain was more strongly related to less refreshing sleep for spouses who were in a close relationship” and that “findings illustrate that chronic pain may place the spouse’s health at risk and suggest an important target for couple-oriented interventions.” Full Story

The Impact of Arthritis Pain on Spouses2018-09-27T23:11:25-04:00

Dental Caries in Older Adults


A recent study published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society examined the severity of dental caries among older adults in the last year of life. The study consisted of 1,216 older adults aged 65 and older who attended a community-based geriatric dental clinic. The authors found that, “Individuals who could maintain oral hygiene independently had a low level of caries at the end of life, however, dental caries had increased before functionally dependent individuals entered their last year of life.” Full Story

Dental Caries in Older Adults2018-09-27T23:11:32-04:00

Research Priorities in Palliative Care for Older Adults


A recent article published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine presented research priorities that addressed “the burden, assessment, and management of symptoms associated with advanced illness in older adults.” The authors found that “most available studies have focused on relatively narrow conditions (e.g., chemotherapy-induced nausea) and there are almost no data relevant to patients with multiple morbidities or multiple concurrent symptoms.” Full Story

Research Priorities in Palliative Care for Older Adults2018-10-01T00:03:36-04:00

Strength Training for Arthritis


A recent article featured in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders evaluated a high intensity strength-training program and its ability to improve pain levels, and slow osteoarthritis (OA) progression among older adults. The study consisted of 372 older adults (age 55 and older) who were randomly assigned to one of three groups: high-intensity strength training; low-intensity strength training; or healthy living education. The authors conclude that “assessing the efficacy of optimal strength training has the potential for immediate and vital clinical impact” among older adults with osteoarthritis. Full Story

Strength Training for Arthritis2018-09-27T23:11:39-04:00

CAM use among Community Dwelling Rural Older Adults


A recent study published in Applied Nursing Research provided information on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among rural community- dwelling older adult women with chronic pain. The authors hypothesized that the use of CAM treatments would be higher among older adults in rural areas because they have limited access to medical facilities. The authors found that pain severity was associated with an increased use of CAM among older adults and that the majority “reported using at least one type of CAM for relieving pain within the past 12 months.” Full Story

CAM use among Community Dwelling Rural Older Adults2018-09-27T23:11:46-04:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801