

New Methods to Help Seniors Manage Pain and Depression


A recent article in The Washington Post described a study that developed  new and innovative methods to help older adults self manage their pain and depression.  The following is an excerpt from the article: “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that up to 5 percent of Americans age 65 and older living in community settings have major depression, which can result in acute psychological anguish, disability, suicide and early death.” Full Story

New Methods to Help Seniors Manage Pain and Depression2018-10-01T00:02:40-04:00

Pain Relief Following Exercise among Older Adults


A recent study published in Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise “assessed the impact of isometric contractions that varied in intensity and duration on pain perception in adults over 60 years of age.” The authors conclude that “older adults experienced similar reductions in pain following several different intensities and durations of isometric contractions. Both older men and women experienced increases in pain threshold, but only older women experienced reductions in pain ratings.” Full Story

Pain Relief Following Exercise among Older Adults2018-10-01T00:02:48-04:00

Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults with Pain


The British Journal of Anaesthesia recently featured a study that evaluated the use of psychosocial interventions in helping older adults manage their pain conditions. The article provides a conceptual background for psychosocial interventions, highlights cognitive behavioural therapy, emotional disclosure, and mind-body interventions for older adults, and provides directions for future research. Full Story

Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults with Pain2018-10-01T00:02:54-04:00

Lid Designs for Older Adults with Limited Hand Function


The Journal of Hand Therapy featured a study that evaluated container lid preferences of older adults with limited hand function and “self-reported difficulty opening jars.” The authors found that “the preferences of jar lids made by elderly females with hand pain support the recommendations commonly suggested by clinicians to increase the height, diameter, texture, and shape of jars, especially for lids smaller than 40 mm.” Full Story

Lid Designs for Older Adults with Limited Hand Function2018-10-01T00:03:08-04:00

Acupuncture Treatment on Pain Reduction among Older Adults


A recent study published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine sought to examine the changes in “pain intensity among older adults before and after acupuncture treatment.” The authors found that “in older adults, acupuncture treatment decreases pulse rate, relieves pain in the shoulder, low back, and knee.” Full Story

Acupuncture Treatment on Pain Reduction among Older Adults2018-10-01T00:03:15-04:00

Thrust Manipulation for Older Adults with Lower Back Pain


The Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy recently featured a study that examined the effects of thrust (TM) and non-thrust manipulation (NTM) “on a sample of older subjects with low back pain.” The authors found that “subjects 55 years and older experienced statistically significant reduction in pain and disability from TM or NTM interventions.” Full Story  

Thrust Manipulation for Older Adults with Lower Back Pain2018-10-01T00:03:22-04:00

Impact of fatigue on outcomes among adults living with rheumatoid arthritis


A recent study published in Nursing Research sought to determine the impact of fatigue on health-related quality of life among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The study consisted of 200 older adults who completed questionnaires that assessed “demographic variables, functional impairment, pain, and fatigue on perceived health impairment and satisfaction.” The authors found that “rheumatoid arthritis-related fatigue contributes to diminished psychological well-being in older adults.” Full Story

Impact of fatigue on outcomes among adults living with rheumatoid arthritis2018-09-27T23:11:53-04:00

Goal management for successful Arthritis Adaptation among older adults


A recent study published in Patient Education and Counseling examined older adults experiencing difficulties in “attaining personal goals due to disease symptoms such as pain, fatigue and reduced mobility.” The study consisted of 305 patients (mean age: 62 years) diagnosed with polyarthritis who participated in a questionnaire study that evaluated “self-efficacy in relation to goal management.” The authors found that “goal management strategies were found to be important predictors of successful adaptation to polyarthritis.” Full Story

Goal management for successful Arthritis Adaptation among older adults2018-09-27T23:12:02-04:00

Impaired memory, cognitive dysfunction and distress effects on rheumatoid arthritis patients diagnosed with methotrexate-related neutropenia


The Journal, Rheumatology International recently featured a study that evaluated “the roles of sociocultural status, distress and cognitive functions in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who developed methotrexate (MTX)-related neutropenia.” The study consisted of 74 (age 60 and older) older adults diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The Authors found that “low socioeconomical status and older age are associated with serious toxicity in RA patients using MTX” and that “measures should be taken to prevent wrong MTX dosing among patients.” Full Story

Impaired memory, cognitive dysfunction and distress effects on rheumatoid arthritis patients diagnosed with methotrexate-related neutropenia2018-09-27T23:12:10-04:00

Chronic Pain Self-management intervention for Older Adults


A recent study featured in Pain “compared an outpatient pain self-management (PSM) program, using cognitive-behavioural therapy and exercises, with 2 control conditions in 141 chronic pain patients aged 65years and older.” The authors found that “results immediately posttreatment indicated that relative to the Exercise-Attention Control (EAC) group, the PSM group was significantly improved on measures of pain distress, disability, mood, unhelpful pain beliefs, and functional reach.” Full Story

Chronic Pain Self-management intervention for Older Adults2018-09-30T23:59:53-04:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801