

A Systematic Review of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Lower Back Pain


BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a recent study that addressed the use of mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) as a treatment for lower back pain. The authors performed a systematic review of MBSR for lower back pain by searching select online databases. The authors identified 3 RCTS, 2 of which focused primarily on addressing lower back pain among older adults (age >65). Each identified RCT was considered low risk with significant potential for short-term relief of chronic back pain conditions. The study results indicate that MSBR may be effective in treating pain intensity and disability among patients with chronic lower back [...]

A Systematic Review of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Lower Back Pain2018-09-27T23:14:27-04:00

Weighing the Chances At Life’s End


In a thought a provoking blog based upon research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Paula Span discusses the difficulty in surrogate decision making when a loved one is nearing the end of their life. Though typically assumed to be a communication error, the disconnect between what doctors tell loved ones about the patients chances and what they hear may more likely be caused by an optimistic bias in favor of a good outcome. The caretakers do understand what they are being told, they simply tend to believe their loved one will beat the odds. Read more below: [...]

Weighing the Chances At Life’s End2018-09-25T20:25:22-04:00

105 year old stockbroker who is still working


Irving Kahn has been a stock broker since 1928  (a year before the great depression) and has been trading stocks ever since.  Scientist have conducted studies on him in order to identify the secret behind his longevity. They discovered that Mr. Kahn has a gene that may explain why he and his siblings have lived past the age of 100. Check out the link below to learn more about his incredible story.

105 year old stockbroker who is still working2018-09-17T10:15:59-04:00

Sleep Problems Triple Women’s Fibromyalgia Risk


A new study from Norway suggests that a lack of sleep over the years can double or even triple the risk of fibromyalgia for certain age groups. Although this is the largest study to date, scientists are wary of drawing any conclusions about what actually causes fibromyalgia. However, it has long been understand that poor sleeping patterns can lead to a worsening of symptoms for those suffering from the disease, and a vicious cycle can begin where the pain causes a lack of sleep which in turn worsens the pain. Lack of sleep is also a risk factor for many other [...]

Sleep Problems Triple Women’s Fibromyalgia Risk2018-09-17T10:14:27-04:00

A New Approach to a Growing Pain Problem


Spinal vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are the most common fracture due to osteoporosis, are painful, and after the first occurs the risk doubles. The traditional treatment for these fractures was bed rest and medications, with a newer procedure allowing cement to be injected into the fracture site, hardening quickly and stabilizing the bone. However, new technologies have allowed a more viscous cement to be used, opening the doors to treating many for VCFs and in a wider array of patients.

A New Approach to a Growing Pain Problem2018-09-17T10:13:25-04:00

U.S. Panel Says No to Prostate Screening for Healthy Men


The United States Preventative Services task force has made the recommendation that healthy men with no signs of prostrate problems should not be getting the P.S.A. screening regularly. The test, which detects prostate specific antigen, cannot determine whether the cancer it finds is life threatening or will ever develop to dangerous extents during the patients lifetime, however the treatment that can follow positive results could cause incontinence, impotence, and even death. Although many health professionals oppose this new recommendation, claiming the test saves lives, there are also many health practitioners who agree that the test does not decrease morbidity from prostate [...]

U.S. Panel Says No to Prostate Screening for Healthy Men2018-09-17T10:12:13-04:00

TRIPLL affiliate Dr. Karl Pillemer launches a new wisdom blog


Dr. Karl Pillemer, the Hazel E. Reed Professor of Human Development in the College of Human Ecology and professor of gerontology in medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, has launched a new innovative blog that looks to branch the gap between young and old. The blog works as an advice column where older individuals are provided a platform where they can share "hard-won insights, recommendations and philosophies on living". Feel free to check out the blog at the following link:

TRIPLL affiliate Dr. Karl Pillemer launches a new wisdom blog2018-09-17T10:09:39-04:00

Chronic Pain Is No Laughing Matter, Says Comedian


Comedian Kathy Buckley understands chronic pain. She was born severely hearing impaired and was hit by a car in her youth,  leaving her with chronic pain and partial paralysis. Then she battled cervical cancer twice. Her outlook on life is positive, and she believes that chronic pain sufferers can benefit from the techniques she has used to take control of her body and deal with her pain. She will be speaking at the annual Women in Pain Conference, "Reframe Your Pain, Reclaim Your Life" on September 16th in L.A.

Chronic Pain Is No Laughing Matter, Says Comedian2018-09-17T10:09:17-04:00

A new video link from the American Chronic Pain Association


The American Chronic Pain Association has  released a video series to accompany their  "Consumer guide to pain management and treatment" study. The following link focuses on one such video that addresses the various types of chronic pain. medsup.aspx

A new video link from the American Chronic Pain Association2018-09-17T10:08:56-04:00

Facing pain with out medication


CNN addresses the growing issues surrounding pain medications and addictions. As chronic pain continues to become a larger issue, more prescription pain relievers are being abused. This article points out new methods of dealing with chronic pain with out relying heavily on prescription drugs.

Facing pain with out medication2018-09-17T10:08:29-04:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801