

The Stigma Around Aging and Chronic Pain


TRIPLL director Dr. M. Cary Reid MD, PhD, is quoted in this article about aging populations taking control of their treatment and staying active to avoid chronic pain and other effects of aging. Pain is a widespread problem with the elderly, and it is important for people to know all their options in pain control and prevention.

The Stigma Around Aging and Chronic Pain2018-09-17T10:08:14-04:00

Dispelling the myths about chronic pain


There can be many sources of chronic pain, and diagnosis and treatment is often challenging. Dismissing some of the common misconceptions can open the way to better and more effective chronic pain management.

Dispelling the myths about chronic pain2018-09-17T10:07:32-04:00

Back pain medication tips


Efficacy of chronic back pain management can be improved if medication is regimented and prescribed appropriately. Taking medication that is specific for a certain type of pain and decreasing one’s dependence on the medication can prove to be beneficial in the long run.

Back pain medication tips2018-09-17T10:06:57-04:00

Managing pain, avoiding medication


Massage therapy can help to minimize the perception of pain. Signals for temperature, pressure, and vibration travel through nerve fibers faster than signals for pain do.  In the race to the spinal cord, signals from massage will arrive first, avoiding the sensation for pain and improving blood circulation.

Managing pain, avoiding medication2018-09-17T10:06:38-04:00

Treating Multiple Chronic Conditions


Two-thirds of Americans over the age of 65 have multiple chronic diseases. Without coordinated care, treatment prescribed for one condition can often be the source of negative symptoms in another. A new report, “Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Strategic Framework,” was recently created as a model to encourage changes in the American health care system in order to reduce costs, improve patient quality of life, and strive for better health outcomes. Dr. Anand K. Parekh, an assistant secretary of health in charge of the report, believes that “with an aging population, the persistence of risk factors for disease and the marvels of [...]

Treating Multiple Chronic Conditions2018-09-17T10:06:26-04:00

Alternatives to living with joint pain


A recent Times article documents the impact of chronic joint pain on the lives of many older adults. Though most aging adults face some level of arthritis, Surrey-based specialty doctor in medicine for the elderly Dr Trisha Macnair believes there is no reason why everyone can’t get involved in their own joint care as long as a general doctor oversees the general management and medication of the patient’s condition. With spring coming, it’s a great time to get outside and take advantage of the weather. Though activity should begin with gentle exercise, Dr. Macnair encourages varied activity to improve overall strength. [...]

Alternatives to living with joint pain2018-09-17T10:06:09-04:00

Importance of Good Pain Management


The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) just released their latest “What’s Hot” newsletter, in which they focused on the impact of chronic pain in older adults and strategies to improve pain management. “Under-treatment of chronic pain in older adults is common, contributing to unnecessary suffering," said Deborah Dillon McDonald, RN, PhD, of the University of Connecticut School of Nursing, who was an advisor for the issue. Addressing chronic pain, the newsletter argues, is the starting point in reducing disability in older adults and improving patient well-being.

Importance of Good Pain Management2018-09-17T10:05:56-04:00

Managing Knee Pain


Evidence suggests that tai chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, can reduce knee pain in the elderly.

Managing Knee Pain2018-09-17T10:05:24-04:00

Enjoying Life with Chronic Pain


Whether it's surrounding yourself with silliness, taking on new hobbies, or planning exciting things to look forward to, some people with chronic pain find that the simple things in life can help them cope with their pain.

Enjoying Life with Chronic Pain2018-09-17T10:05:09-04:00

For older adults, there’s no place like home


Many older adults living in nursing homes wish to one day return home.  Researchers at Cornell evaluated Project Home, a pilot study based out of Syracuse N.Y.  Project Home staff worked to overcome the usual medical, psychosocial, and logistical hurdles that keep people in nursing homes for the long term, offering intensive case management to 60 residents in long-term care.  The Cornell evaluation project found that a person-centered approach shows great promise in helping nursing home residents move back to the community, allowing nearly 60 percent of study participants to successfully return home.  "It's very common for older adults to express [...]

For older adults, there’s no place like home2018-09-17T10:02:58-04:00

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Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212.746.1801