Differential risk of falls associated with pain medication….

//Differential risk of falls associated with pain medication….

Differential risk of falls associated with pain medication among community-dwelling older adults by cognitive status

Persons living with dementia have an elevated risk of falling and chronic pain. This study investigates the relationship of pain medication use with falls among community-dwelling adults based on their cognitive status. Differential risk factors for falls by cognitive status imply the need for tailored pain management and fall prevention strategies. The provision of fall prevention programmes stressing balance training and medication use is important regardless of cognitive status in community-dwelling older adults. Future research should explore other modifiable factors associated with the risk of falls among community-dwelling adults.

Yoshikawa A, Smith ML, Ory MG, Differential risk of falls associated with pain medication among community-dwelling older adults by cognitive status, Age and Ageing, 2021;, afab051, https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afab051

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