Loneliness and social integration as mediators between physical pain and suicidal ideation among elderly men

//Loneliness and social integration as mediators between physical pain and suicidal ideation among elderly men

Loneliness and social integration as mediators between physical pain and suicidal ideation among elderly men

Suicide in the elderly is a complex and significant public health problem. This study sought to examine the role of loneliness and social integration as potential mediators in the relationship between physical pain and suicidal ideation in elderly single men. This investigation found that the association between physical pain and suicidal ideation was mediated by loneliness and social integration.  This relations was found in single, but not married, men.  The authors concluded that older single men who experience physical pain may be lonelier and less socially integrated, and these factors may contribute to higher risk of suicidal ideation.

Lutzman M, Sommerfeld E, Ben-David S. Loneliness and social integration as mediators between physical pain and suicidal ideation among elderly men [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 9]. Int Psychogeriatr. 2020;1-7. doi:10.1017/S104161022000112X

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